General instructions, Required tools, Torque specifications – Cub Cadet 310-3000 User Manual
Page 15: Transaxle removal, Limited disassembly

310-3000 IHT
NOTE: Any servicing dealer attempting
a war ran ty re pair must have prior ap-
prov al be fore con duct ing main te nance
of a Hydro-Gear
product un less the
ser vic ing deal er is a cur rent Authorized
Hy dro-Gear Ser vice Center.
Cleanliness is a primary means of assuring
sat is fac to ry life on repaired units. Thoroughly
clean all exposed surfaces pri or to any type
of main te nance. Cleaning of all parts by us-
ing a sol vent wash and air drying is usually
adequate. As with any precision equipment, all
parts must be kept free of foreign ma te ri al and
Protect all exposed sealing surfaces and open
cav i ties from damage and foreign material. The
external surfaces should be cleaned before be-
gin ning any repairs.
Upon removal, it is recommended that all seals,
O-rings, and gaskets be re placed. During in stal -
la tion light ly lu bri cate all seals, O-rings, gaskets
with a clean pe tro leum jelly prior to as sem bly.
Also pro tect the inner diameter of seals by
cov er ing the shaft with a cellophane (plastic
wrap, etc.).
Parts requiring re place ment must be re placed
from the ap pro pri ate kits identifi ed in the Items
Listing, found at the end of this man u al.
A list of tools required for the repair of the 310-
3000 IHT is provided in Table 4, Page 13.
Torque specifi cations for fasteners used on the
310-3000 IHT are provided in Table 5.
It is necessary to remove the 310-3000 from
the ve hi cle before performing the repair proce-
dures pre sent ed in this section. Use the follow-
ing pro ce dure to prepare the unit for removal
from the ve hi cle.
1. With the vehicle wheels on the ground,
loos en the nut (119, Figure 19) Page 31,
retaining the hub (118, Fig ure 19) on the
control side of the transaxle only. Use an
air im pact wrench and a 1-1/8” socket to
loos en the hub.
2. Lift the vehicle wheels from the ground and
remove the nut completely.
3. Remove the wheel from the hub.
4. Using a wheel or gear puller, remove the
hub from the shaft.
The following procedures are presented in
the or der in which they must be performed
to com plete ly disassemble the unit. Do not
dis as sem ble the unit any farther than is nec-
essary to ac com plish the required repairs.
Each disassembly procedure is followed by a
corresponding as sem bly procedure, and the
disassembly pro cess can be halted after any
given pro ce dure.
Assembly is accomplished by performing the
assembly por tions of the procedures. If the
unit has been completely dis as sem bled, a
summary of the assembly procedures, in the
order in which they should occur, is giv en on
Page 30.