Fluids – Cub Cadet 310-3000 User Manual
Page 10
310-3000 IHT
The fl uids used in Hydro-Gear
products have
been carefully selected, and only equivalent, or
better prod ucts should be sub sti tut ed.
Typically, an engine oil with a minimum rating of
9 cSt (55 SUS) at 230° F (110° C) and an API clas-
si fi ca tion of SJ/CD is rec om mend ed. A 20W-50
engine oil has been se lect ed for use by the
factory and is rec om mend ed for normal op er -
at ing tem per a tures.
Fluid volume information is provided in Table
Certain situations may require additional fl uid to
be added or even replaced. Refer to Figure 3
for the prop er fi ll port and fl uid level port lo ca -
tions. Fill the unit until fl uid fl ows out of the fl uid
level port. Recheck the fl uid level once the unit
has been operated for approximately 1 minute.
Purging may be required. Refer to the purging
procedures, Page 11.
This transaxle is factory fi lled and does not
re quire a regular oil change. In the event of
oil con tam i na tion or degradation an oil change
may improve performance.
Using the transaxle removal procedure from
Sec tion 5, Page 12, remove the transaxle and
drain the oil from the top fl uid fi ll port. Fill unit
per Table 3, re in stall the transaxle and perform
the purging pro ce dures, Page 11.
In the event a fl uid change and fi lter inspection
is required, refer to Page 23, Disassembly/As-
sem bly instructions.
Do not overfi ll.
If you overfi ll the transaxle while the unit
is "cold", it may overfl ow as it reaches
normal op er at ing tem per a tures. The oil
level should not be above the man u -
fac tur er’s suggestions out lined in this
manual. This will al low the space need ed
for the oil to ex pand as it warms up.
Table 3. Fluid Volumes for the 310-3000 IHT
Figure 3. 310-3000 Fluid Fill and Level Ports
Fluid Description
0.95 gal. (121.6 oz) (3.59 liters)
20W-50 engine oil