Checkline ESM301 User Manual

Page 9

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Model ESM301 / ESM301L Version 2 Test Stand

User’s Guide


4.1 Speed, Up Speed, Down Speed (SPEED, UP SPEED, DOWN SP)

If the independent up and down speed option has not been enabled, the up and down speeds will be the
same, and is programmed in the SPEED parameter. If independent up and down speeds are enabled, UP

and DN SPEED parameters will be present, and may be set individually.

Default setting: 10 in/min
Available settings: 0.02 – 45 in/min

4.2 Auto Return (AUTO RETURN)

With this feature, the crosshead moves to a limit switch or soft limit (force set point, distance limit,
preload, or break detection), whichever occurs first, and stops. Then, the crosshead returns to the other
limit and stops. The test speed is dictated by the SPEED setting or the UP SPEED and DOWN SP
settings. The return speed is always maximum speed. The maximum speed depends on whether or not
the optional high speed range has been enabled.

Default setting: off
Available settings: off, on

Label Description

+ or –

Cycles through the available settings


Returns to the Test Parameter Setup menu


Exits the parameter without saving changes


If AUTO RETURN is turned on, CYCLING is automatically turned off and the KEYS parameter is

automatically set to MAINTAINED mode. See following pages for details on the CYCLING and KEYS

U P S P E E D : 1 0 . 7 3


− + E N T R

Label Description


Increments the speed setting by .01 in or .5 mm.
Holding down + will increment at an increasingly faster

Decrements the speed setting by .01 in or .5 mm.
Holding down will decrement at an increasingly
faster rate.


Returns to the Test Parameter Setup menu


Exits the parameter without saving changes

A U T O R E T U R N o f f


− + E N T R