Brookfield CAP2000 Viscometer User Manual
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Brookfield Engineering Labs., Inc.
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Manual No. M02-313-G0812
This key selects time entry mode (wait time before spindle rotates).
This key selects the cone spindle entry mode.
This key selects the temperature entry mode.
I.8 Viscosity and Temperature Display
Viscosity is displayed in either P=Poise or cP=Centipoise (CGS system) or Pa•s=Pascal
seconds or mPa•s=milliPascal seconds (SI system). If the viscosity measurement is over
range, “EEEE” will be displayed. Brookfield recommends a minimum torque reading of 10%
when making viscosity measurements. If the torque value is between 0 and 10%, the display
will flash to indicate an under range condition. If the viscometer final reading is below zero,
negative values will be displayed.
Temperature is displayed in °C=degrees centigrade.
I.9 Cleaning
Instrument, Keypad & Painted Surfaces:
Clean with dry, non-abrasive cloth. Do not use solvents or cleaners.
Immersed Components (spindles/cones) and temperature controlled plate:
Note: Sample plate and spindle may be hot. Use care when using solvents.
All immersed components are made of carbide steel. Clean with non-abrasive cloth and
solvent appropriate for sample material that is not aggressive to immersed components.
Do not use metal objects to clean the plate surface, as scratching of the plate may occur
and comporomise cone calibrations.
Solvent Trap:
Solvent Trap (P/N C1K-63) is made of Teflon. Clean with non abrasive cloth and solvent
appropriate for sample material that is not aggressive to Teflon.
Do not use metal objects to clean the plate surface, as scratching of the plate may
occur and compromise cone calibrations.
Immersed components (cone spindle) may be at an elevated temperature. Use caution
when cleaning hot surfaces. Use caution when applying solvents to hot surfaces. Refer
to the MSDS for the specific solvent for proper handling techniques.
Note: When cleaning, take care not to apply excessive force which may bend the spindle
shaft or otherwise damage the instrument.