360 Systems DigiCart/E User Manual
Page 47

Setup and Utility Menus •
Copying a Directory using
Copy Edited
Copies the edited versions of all cuts in a directory. HEAD and TAIL trims will be copied as edits,
deleting audio data outside of the Head and Tail points for each cut. This helps to conserve disk space
by copying only the essential portion of each cut. Fade and gain settings for each cut are retained in
the copies. File Index numbers and file names are retained in the new directory, but drive and
directory portions of the Index numbers will necessarily be different. The procedures are the same as
for copying a directory using COPY ORIGINAL; however, select COPY EDITED from the UTILITY
If the FILE FORMAT CONVERT option is enabled, only linear 16-bit files with sample rates up to
48000 samples/sec will be converted. All others are copied in their original format.
DELETE permanently erases the currently selected cut, Playlist, directory or drive. Once something has
been erased, it cannot be recovered.
First select the drive, directory, cut or Playlist to be erased. Then press the
button and select
Confirm the command by pressing
, or abandon it by pressing
Multiple copies of the same file each have a unique file ID number in DigiCart. Make sure that the ID and
name appearing in the top line of the display is what you intend to erase. A copied cut, directory, or Playlist
will have a different ID and will not be erased.
In addition to the ID numbers automatically provided by DigiCart/E, each local drive, directory, cut or
Playlist may have its own name containing up to 15 characters. You may use letters, numbers, spaces and
First select the drive, directory, cut or Playlist to be renamed. Then press the
button and select
Users working with large libraries of cuts will find that using a keyboard will speed this work considerably.
Otherwise, turn the selection knob to choose a letter or number. Use the navigation arrow
buttons to move
to the next character.
Confirm the new name by pressing
, or abandon the name change by pressing
Network drives cannot be renamed from DigiCart. Renaming a Zip drive actually renames the removable
disk, not the drive itself.
The Format Disk utility is used to prepare drive disks for use in DigiCart/E. Format Disk works only on
local disks, not on networked disks. Zip disks must be formatted before they can be used with DigiCart/E.
The internal hard disk used in DigiCart/E is factory formatted as one logical disk, but you may choose to re-
format it with up to five partitions.
DigiCart/E can use either 100MB or 250MB Zip disks. However, older DigiCarts can only accept 100MB
Zip disks in their internal Zip drives. Therefore, Zip100 media must be used between DigiCart/E and
earlier DigiCart models. Zip250 media can be used to exchange files between DigiCart/Es. To help