360 Systems MAXX-2420EX User Manual
Page 65

MAXX-2420-EX Owner’s Manual
Page 65
Automatic Scrolling to Currently Playing Clip (HOME)
Click HOME to make the currently playing clip visible in the Playlist View window. If no clip is
playing, then the currently-cued clip is displayed. This is helpful if you have manually scrolled
elsewhere in a large Playlist. Once this is done, the display will also maintain the currently-
playing clip within the window, if EDIT is off
Set Maximum Number of Items to Keep
To set the number of played items to be retained in a playlist:
Click OPTIONS>CONFIGURE from the Playlist View of the channel pulldown. Use the
thumbwheel UP and DOWN scroll button to increase or decrease the number of clips to retain.
The default value of zero will retain ALL Clips.
Figure 24 - Channel Playlist Configure Screen
Enabling As-Run Logging
To enable As-Run logs, while in the Playlist View select OPTIONS >CONFIGURE from the of
the menus within the Playlist window. Check the Enable As-Run Logging checkbox to enable
As-Run logging. Uncheck the box to disable As-Run logging. When enabled, a check mark will
appear next to the As-Run log label, and files played by a playlist will be written to an As-Run
log. As-Run logs are available only through FTP downloads; they cannot be viewed or printed
from the server. After logging into a server, select the ASRUN folder. All logs are stored in this
location, and have the extension “.arl”. Refer to Appendix E – As-Run Logging for more details
about As-Run logging functionality.
Viewing, Editing and Archiving Playlists
Playlists can be accessed via the server’s FTP feature, allowing several capabilities:
• Lists can be backed up on a PC, and sent to another server.
• Lists can be viewed and printed from the PC
• Lists can be edited or created on the PC and uploaded to the server.
Playlists are found in the MAXX-2420-EX’s FTP directory in the lists folder. They are simple text
files with the extension .lst. Refer to Appendix D, Playlist Management for more information.