Setting vanc line selections, Selecting a time code source, Beginning recording – 360 Systems MAXX-2420EX User Manual
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MAXX-2420-EX Owner’s Manual
Setting VANC Line Selections
• Select OPTIONS >CONFIGURE from the Channel 1 Transport Window. The Dialog box in
Figure 9 appears.
• Check the VANC box if Vertical interval ANCillary data (VANC) is to be recorded along with
• The VANC line selection data entry box will become active. Enter desired line numbers,
separated by a comma. Ranges can be specified with a dash, such as “9-12”. Lines 9,10 11
and 12 will be included.
• In 720p, enter up to 12 lines. In 1080i, enter up to 6 lines. The six lines will be recorded in
both field 1 and the corresponding lines in field 2.
• Click APPLY or OK.
Selecting a Time Code Source
This high-definition server utilizes the time code standard specified in SMPTE 12M-1, and applies
it as described in SMPTE 12M-2. It is suggested that the user refer to these documents, as HD
time code differs significantly from standard definition methods.
• This function selects the source for time code for new recordings. The time code value
obtained from the selected source will be applied from the beginning of a recording.
• Select OPTIONS >CONFIGURE from the Channel 1 Transport Window. The Dialog box in
Figure 9 appears.
• The default Time Code Source is MANUAL. Alternatively, ATC (Ancillary Time Code ) may
be selected.
• For MANUAL, enter a time value in the window for the first frame of the recording. Use the
HH:MM:SS:FF format. It is not necessary to enter the colon ( : ) between digit pairs.
• Click APPLY or OK.
Beginning Recording
When the setup steps outlined above are complete, you are ready to record. Place Channel 1 in
the Record Ready mode as follows.
There are two approaches to starting a recording: “named recording” and “crash recording”. You
can name the clip first, then press Record; or just start recording, and let the system generate a
clip name automatically. The clip may be renamed as desired when the recording is complete.
The advantage of the first approach is that when the recording is complete, it is fully identified
and ready for use; the second approach is valuable for live action such as sports, where there is
no time to lose and action must be captured at once.
Clip names for crash recordings are of the form “new MMDD_N”, where MMDD represents the
month and day of the recording, and N is the lowest non-zero number that does not cause the
name to conflict with any previously made recording.