Setup, B (for windows me, 6~c ffor windows 20001 (1) click [next – Panasonic KX-CL500 User Manual

Page 20

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(For Windows Me^

(1) Click on the Specify the location of the driver

(Advanced) check button and click [Next>].









(2) Click on the Search for the best drive for your

device(Recommended) check button and Specify a
location check box and click [Browse].

Add New Heidwaie Wizdid

Windows wi seeich In new diivm in its diver databaje

on you herd drive, end nenv of the lolowing selected

0ijSearch its the best tirvet fa you device,


Ql R offiovablo Media (Fk^w. CD-ROM...)

pj Specify a focatiorv

I G:\WINME\CNGLISH\PCL'j] [P Bti^e"" |

O' a Sst of at the divers in a specific bcafioa so

you can sriect the diver you want.

Select WINME folder [D (CD-ROM drive
letter);\USB\WINME] and click [OK],

Click [Next>] until [Finish] window is displayed.
Click [Finish].
Click on the Specify the location of the driver
(Advanced) check button and click [Next>].
Click on the Search for the best drive for your

device(Recommended) check button and Specify a

location check box and click [Browse].
Select PCL folder [D (CD-ROM drive
letter):\WINME\ENGLISH\PCL] or

PS folder [D (CD-ROM drive

letter):\WINME\ENGLISH\PSl, then click [OK].
Click [Next>].

(10) Click [Next>].
(11) Follow the instructions on the screen;
(12) Proceed to step


on page 21.



fFor Windows 20001

(1) Click [Next>].



(2) Click on the Search for a suitable driver for my

device(recommended) check button and click


Install Hardware Device Drivers


A davice dtvet IS a software prodam that erubles a hatdware device ta work with


an cpetadiB system.

This wizard wl complete the instalation tor this device:



A device dtiv« Is a software ptodam that makes a hardware device work. Windoiws

needs divet fles fa you now device. T o bcate (krvei ties end complete thie
tistalation cSck ffeii.

Whsat do you want the wizard to do?


Search lor a suitatie drivei tor my device (tecotrvnendedl

O Urspfey a bt of the known drivers fa this device so Ihiat I can choose a specAc


Confirm the Specify a location is checked and click
Click [Browse...] and select PCL folder [D (CD-ROM

drive letter):\Win2000\ENGLISH\PCL] or

PS folder [D (CD-ROM drive

letter):\Win2000\ENGLISH\PS]. Click [Open]. Click


(5) Click [Next>],
(6) If the Digital Signature Not Found window is

displayed, click [Yes].

(7) Click [Finish].
(8) Proceed to step


on page 21.