BendixKing KLN 89B - Pilots Guide User Manual
Page 201

Message Page Messages
Appendix B
‡Bad Satellite Geometry
And RAIM Not Available -- This message appears only when the KLN
89B is in the approach active mode, RAIM is not available and the satellite
geometry has further degraded to cause more uncertainty of the aircraft
position. This message may be followed by a NAV flag (in a couple of
minutes) if conditions continue to degrade.
‡Bad Satellite Geometry
See EPE on OTH 1 page -- This message appears following a message
that RAIM is not available. This means that the geometry of the satellites
is such that the possible error in position is greater than allowed for IFR
use. Cross check the position of the aircraft with other means of naviga-
tion every 15 minutes to verify that the position is still accurate.
Annunciator -- This message appears when an overcurrent condition is
detected on the ACTV annunciator output. It is usually indicative of a fail-
ure of the wiring between the KLN 89B and the ACTV annunciator. Have
the installation checked to determine the problem.
‡Check APR ARM
Annunciator -- This message appears when an overcurrent condition is
detected on the ARM annunciator output. It is usually indicative of a fail-
ure of the wiring between the KLN 89B and the ARM annunciator. Have
the installation checked to determine the problem.
Check MSG Annunciator -- This message appears when an overcurrent
condition is detected on the MSG annunciator output. It is usually indica-
tive of a failure of the wiring between the KLN 89(B) and the MSG
annunciator. Have the installation checked to determine the problem.
Check Real Time Clock -- This message appears when a possible fault
is detected with the KLN 89(B)’s internal real time clock. This condition
does not require immediate service. Manually initialize the time on the
Initialization Page to minimize the time to first fix (see section 3.6).
Check WPT Annunciator -- This message appears when an overcurrent
condition is detected on the WPT annunciator output. It is usually indica-
tive of a failure of the wiring between the KLN 89(B) and the WPT
annunciator. Have the installation checked to determine the problem.
Data Base Error: Publ
Data Not Useable,
Service Required — This message appears if the data base fails an
internal test when the KLN 89(B) is turned on.
Data Base Outdated,
All Data Must be
Confirmed Before Use — This message appears when the data base is