Glossary – Canon L250 User Manual
Page 273

Alternating current..The type of electrical
current available from a wall outlet.
Activity report
A journal of the FAX-L250’s fax transactions,
both sent and received.
Auto FAX/TEL switching
See FAX/TEL switching.
Automatic dialling
Dialling fax or telephone numbers by pressing
one or three buttons. To use automatic
dialling, you must register the numbers in the
FAX-L250’s memory. See also One-touch speed
dialling, Coded speed dialling, and Group
Automatic Document Feeder (ADF)
The device included in the FAX-L250 that
feeds the document being faxed, copied, or
scanned into the FAX-L250.
Automatic image reduction
The FAX-L250 can print the date, time,
company name, and a fax number at the top of
the faxes it receives. To prevent this
information from crowding the faxed image on
the page and possibly lengthening the fax, the
FAX-L250 automatically reduces the size of
the image on the page.
Automatic redialling
When the receiving fax machine is busy or
does not answer, or when an error occurs while
sending, the FAX-L250 waits a specified time
and then automatically redials the number. If
the receiving fax is still busy or does not
answer, the FAX-L250 waits the specified time
and dials again. If the fax still doesn’t go
through, the FAX-L250 prints an activity
Bits per second. Refers to the speed with which
a fax machine sends and receives data.
Transmitting documents to more than one
location (through the FAX-L250’s memory).
Formerly known as CCITT, Consultative
Committee for International Telegraph and
Telephone. CCITT has been replaced by the
International Telecommunications
Union-Telecommunications sector (ITU-T), a
committee created to set international
standards for telecommunications.
Calling Tone. This is a signal sent by fax
machines to identify the call as an incoming
document. When the receiving fax detects this
signal, it automatically starts to receive the fax
transmission. The majority of fax machines in
use today can send and detect CNG signals.
Coded speed dialling
An automatic dialling method that allows you
to dial a fax or telephone number by pressing
the CODED DIAL button and a two-digit
code using the numeric buttons.
The underline symbol you see on the LCD
display when you register numbers and names
in the FAX-L250. Press the
button to
move the cursor.
dB (A)
Stands for decibel level (a decibel being a unit
of measurement for the intensity of the sound
coming from the unit), adjusted for
background noise.
Delayed sending
The ability to send a document at a preset time
in the future. You do not have to be in your
office to use delayed sending to one or more
destinations. (You can set up only one delayed
transmission at a time on the FAX-L250.)
Dialling methods
Ways of pressing one or more buttons to
access a number to connect to an outside party
or fax machine. Dialling methods include
one-touch, coded speed dialling, group dialling,
and regular dialling with the numeric buttons.
The sheet of paper containing the data that
you send to, or receive from a unit.