Gs l nl nh – Citizen Systems iDP3240 User Manual
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GS L nL nH
Setting the left margin
This command sets the left margin specified by nL and nH. The
value of the left margin is [(nL + nH
Ч 256) Ч basic calculation
Print Area Width
• This command only works when it is entered at the beginning
of a line.
• The setting of this command does not affect PAGE MODE.
• The maximum settable left margin is equal to the horizontal
printable area. A setting greater than this maximum is trimmed
to the maximum.
• The basic calculation pitch is defined by GS P. Once defined,
the left margin is not changed if the basic calculation pitch is
changed by GS P.
• The left margin is calculated with the horizontal basic
calculation pitch (x) set by GS P. A fraction resulting from the
calculation is corrected with the minimum pitch of the
mechanism, and the remainder is omitted.
nL = 0, nH = 0
[See Also]
Left Margin
Printable Area
- Citizen CLP-631 (60 pages)
- iDP3421 (174 pages)
- PD-22 (40 pages)
- Citizen CLP 8301 CLP-8301 (80 pages)
- Citizen CT-S4000 (32 pages)
- 3541 (48 pages)
- iDP-3421 (172 pages)
- CBM-253 (122 pages)
- iDP-3530 (28 pages)
- CLP-521 (54 pages)
- CT-S2000DC (136 pages)
- CBM-910 Type II (62 pages)
- CLP-621 (60 pages)
- CBM-231 (64 pages)
- Compact desk-top dot matrix printer CBM-910 Type II (62 pages)
- CD-S500 Series (52 pages)
- CBM-750 (81 pages)
- PMU2XXX (312 pages)
- CLP-9001 (73 pages)
- CT-S280 (136 pages)
- CT-S2000DCL (3 pages)
- CBM-230/231 (59 pages)
- Model CMP-10 (80 pages)
- CLP 6002 (26 pages)
- Swift 330x (44 pages)
- Swift 330x (4 pages)
- Citizen CD-S500 (220 pages)
- 291 (60 pages)
- CBM-290 (49 pages)
- Citizen PPU PPU-700 (40 pages)
- iDP-562 (36 pages)
- CD-S500A (52 pages)
- PD-04C (42 pages)
- CBM-270 (112 pages)
- Citizen CL-S700 (70 pages)
- Citizen CMP-10BT (41 pages)
- iDP3420 (174 pages)
- CBM-910 (61 pages)
- Citizen CLP 6002 CLP-6002 (80 pages)
- PROdot 350 (32 pages)
- PD-24 (52 pages)
- CLP-8301 (75 pages)
- iDP-3550 (160 pages)
- CMP-10 (40 pages)