Search patient records using auto filter, Result section, Equipment section – Welch Allyn OAE Data Manager - User Manual User Manual
Page 28

Test results for that patient appear in the Result and Equipment section of the main
window. When you select a specific test result in the Result section, the test result
detail is displayed in the Numeric and Graph sections of the main window. The
patient and test selected are highlighted.
Search patient records using Auto Filter
At the top of the patient list on the Patients tab, there is a blank row. Use this row to
search for specific patients.
1. Enter the Last Name, Date of Birth, or Patient ID in the respective blank field, and
then press Enter on your keyboard.
All patient names that meet the criteria appear.
2. Click x at the bottom left-hand corner to close the dialog box and return to the full
patient name list.
Result section
The Result section displays a cumulative list of test results for a specific patient. This
information appears when a patient is selected in the Patients tab.
Sort the Result section
The Result section can be sorted by Test #, Ear, Test Date, Avg Time, Outcome,
Protocol, Test Type, Tester, and Notes.
1. Click the column header by which you want to sort the list.
The test results appear in the order determined by the column chosen for the sort.
2. Click the desired column again to reverse the sort order.
Search patient names using Auto Filter
There is a blank row at the top of the Result section. Use this row to search for specific
result attributes.
1. Enter a parameter in your chosen column, and then press Enter.
All tests that meet the criteria for that column appear.
2. Click the "x" at the bottom left-hand corner to close the dialog box and return to the
full test results.
Equipment section
The Equipment section includes the screener and probe serial numbers used to conduct
the screening. It also includes the software version number.
24 View patient results
Welch Allyn
OAE Data Manager