Rice Lake MSI-3460 Challenger 3 User Manual
Page 19

User Defined Function Keys 15
key under the AUTO TOTAL mode functions as Auto Total On / Auto
Total Off.
The auto mode has three variations which are programmed in the SETUP menu:
• AutoLoad – Any settled weight above the ‘Rise above’ threshold will be
automatically totaled. Then the scale must fall below the ‘Drop below’ threshold
before another total is allowed.
• AutoNorm – This mode takes the last settled weight to auto total with. The total
occurs only once the scale goes below the threshold. This allows the load to be
adjusted without a total occurring. Once the load is removed, the scale uses the
last settled reading for total.
• AutoHigh – Similar to the AutoNorm mode except the scale uses the highest
settled reading. Useful for loads that can’t be removed all at once.
View Total
The function key activates the total weight display followed by the number of
samples. While the display is showing the total, total is cleared by pressing
Net / Gross
Switches the display between net and gross modes. Net weight is defined as gross
weight minus a tare weight.
To switch between net mode and gross mode:
1. Press the
key (Setup to the Net/Gross function).
2. The
key will only function if a tare value has been established.
3. Switching back to gross mode from net mode will not clear the tare value. This
allows the operator to use the gross mode temporarily without having to re-
establish the tare value. Only clearing the tare or setting a new tare will change
the tare value held before switching into gross mode.
OIML LFT units only: The NET/GROSS key is temporary action only. The gross
weight is displayed for two seconds and then the display returns to the net mode. The
only way to return to permanent gross readings is to clear the tare (see clear tare
If print option is installed this menu choice will appear. The setup of the print function
is covered in the option manual.
Used for programming the RF remote control. This function is detailed in Section 6.0.
Peak hold will only update the display when a higher peak weight reading is
established. The peak hold function uses a high speed mode of the A/D converter
allowing it to capture transient weights at a far higher rate than typical scales. Peak
hold is cleared and re-enabled with the USER key.
PEAK HOLD is not available on NTEP or OIML certified Legal for Trade scales.
The function key will switch the weight units between pounds and kilograms.
UNIT switching is not available on OIML certified Legal for Trade scales.