Rice Lake MSI9300 PortaWeigh Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual

Page 27

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MSI-9300 Crane Scale™

User Guide Page 27


Rev 1 7/27/02 for SW Ver 1-1

mode, leave the system in Industry or Metric modes.

Descriptions of standard modes:

[1] Industry – All functions and units are available. This is the default mode of the scale.

[2] NTEP – Choosing NTEP has the following effect: 1) The sealed switch must be pressed to modify any

metrologically significant setting. 2) Multiple remote RF display devices are allowed, but only one device

is allowed to zero, tare, or any other control function. This device is determined in the Communications

Menu (page 28). See “Sealing the MSI-9000” on the following page for details on sealing the settings and


[3] OIML – R76 sealed mode. Features not allowed by OIML R76 testing are locked out. R76 feature set

is TBD. This setting is not yet operational.

[4] Metric – All features are enabled, except only Metric units are available (g, kg, Metric Tons).


1) From the Channels/Calibration Menu, push [b].

***** Channel Setup *****

(1) Channel Calibration
(2) Data backup
(3) Filter (software)
(4) Channel Scanlist functions
(5) Motion Compensation (Accelerometer option required)
(6) Motion Detection
(7) Tare
(8) Total
(9) Units Lock
(a) Zero
(b) Standard Mode: Industry
(c) 4 to 20mA
(ESC) Exit

***** Scale Standard Setup *****

(1) Industry
(2) NTEP
(3) OIML
(4) Metric (g, kg, metric tons)
(ESC) Exit

2) Select the desired scale standard.
3) Selecting NTEP or OIML for the first time will bring up the following screen:

********** Notice **********
* You must push the sealed *
* calibration switch on the*
* CellScale to continue. *
* Push now or *
* *
* *
* (ESC) to exit *

Remove the seal screw (see figure 4-1). Using a non-metallic tool, gently press the pushbutton located

behind the hole. This enables menu access and calibration of all the metrologically significant parameters.

Pressing the button stays in effect until the power is cycled.