Rice Lake MSI9300 PortaWeigh Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual
Page 25

MSI-9300 Crane Scale™
User Guide Page 25
Rev 1 7/27/02 for SW Ver 1-1
***** Channel Calibration *****
Calibrating Ch # 1-1, named: Fred2...............
Precision in Kilograms : 10000. x 2.
Test weight # 0 in Kilograms : 0.
Test weight # 1 in Kilograms : 5000.
Load the scale with test weight # 1
Press (Y) when scale is loaded and steady
Press (B) to backup
Press (ESC) to exit calibration
Raw A/D counts: 1675807
14) Load the scale platform with the indicated test weight (5000 kg for our example). When the scale is stable
push ‘Y’.
15) The CellScale calibrates with the first test weight, and then presents the following menu. The upper half of
the screen indicates the two cal steps taken so far, zero and a 5000 kg test weight. If this two point calibra-
tion is adequate for the application (in most well designed scale systems, it is), the ESC key can be pressed
to end calibration, and store all the calibration constants. However if additional test weights are applied,
repeat steps 11 and 12 until finished. Up to 9 span points can be calibrated. Any time it is deemed that
enough points have been entered, pushing the ESC key will end the calibration and store the constants in
calibration memory.
***** Channel Calibration *****
Calibrating Ch # 1-1, named: Fred2...............
Precision in Kilograms : 10000. x 2.
Test weight # 0 in Kilograms : 0.
Test weight # 1 in Kilograms : 5000.
Test weight # 2 in Kilograms : 2001.
Press (Y) if this is correct
Press (N) to change
Press (B) to backup
Press (ESC) to complete and store calibration
For clarity we’ll add a second cal’ point at 2000 kg in this example calibration. Load the scale with the
2000 kg weight. If the display shows the exact right number, this cal point is not needed. In our example,
the display showed 2001 ( a 1/2 ‘d’ error). We can pull this in with a second point calibration, even though
this error probably would not show in a system with a 2kg ‘d’.
16) Type [n] to bring up the weight entry screen. Type in the correct value for the 2nd test weight. Push return
to enter the value.
Type in the new test weight value: 2000 Kilograms