Rice Lake MSI9300 PortaWeigh Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual

Page 21

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MSI-9300 Crane Scale™

User Guide Page 21


Rev 1 7/27/02 for SW Ver 1-1


The Internal CellScale can monitor up to 32 Set Points. Set Points are used for safety warnings and process

control. The MSI-9300 has LED annunciators for Set Points 1 through 3. Set Points are programmed from a

3750CS, a 9750A, or through the Terminal Access Mode. On special order MSI can supply audible alarms,

sirens, or other warning devices for Set Point outputs.


The calibration and setup features in the MSI-9300 Series crane scales can be protected from tampering

through the use of passwords. Passwords can be up to 20 characters long. Be sure to record your password(s).

The default password is just a return. You can lock features without passwords to prevent accidental feature

changes. Password protection of calibration is not required for LFT scales as they are protected with a seal

Main CellScale Menu ➔ (4) Feature Locks / Passwords

***** Feature Locks/Passwords Setup *****

(1) Calibration
(2) Channel menu
(3) Communications
(4) NTEP
(5) Product ID menu
(6) Radio menu
(7) Set Points menu
(8) Strings menu
(9) Individual Features
(ESC) Exit

Main CellScale Menu ➔ (4) Feature Locks / Passwords ➔ (1) Calibration

***** Calibration Lock *****

(1) Calibration password is: None
(2) Calibration is: Un-Locked
(ESC) Exit

This menu is typical of all the lock menus. You can assign a separate password to any major feature. To lock

a feature or menu, press 2 change from “Un-locked” to “Locked”. When a feature is locked, entering into the

menu will require the password before proceeding. To lock all channel related setups, MSI recommends lock-

ing the Channel menu (choice 2). This prevents tampering of calibration and all parameters related to scale



MSI-9300 Series crane scales are best calibrated using a remote indicator such as the MSI-3750CS, MSI-9850,

or the MSI-9750A Handheld. Calibration procedures using these devices are covered in their respective User

Guides. If the crane scale is not RF equipped, the only way to calibrate it is through the Comm Port using the

Terminal Access Mode.
MSI recommends having test weights of at least 50% capacity to properly calibrate the Crane Scale. The cali-

bration procedures will operate with as little as 12.5% of capacity, though rated accuracy cannot be guaranteed.

Very large capacity scales are often calibrated using transfer techniques. Weigh something on a truck scale,

then pick it up on the Crane scale and match the weight during the calibration procedure. The CellScale soft-

ware permits multi-point calibration (up to 9 span points + Zero). MSI Crane Scales are very linear from zero

to capacity, and therefore, usually do not require Multi-Point calibration. The need for Multi-Point calibration

is left up to the Scale Technician.
Legal-for-Trade Units
To calibrate LFT units, you must first press the pushbutton found behind the seal screw on the front panel (see

figure 4-1). Sealing instructions are found on page 29.
Calibration Tips
1) Make sure that the scale and load are stable (not swinging or vibrating) for every calibration step.
2) Prevent off-center loading during calibration. The scale must be perpendicular to the earth to prevent