Msi-9300 porta-weigh+ crane scale – Rice Lake MSI9300 PortaWeigh Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual
Page 22

Page 22 MSI-9300 Crane Scale™
User Guide
MSI-9300 Porta-Weigh+ Crane Scale
cosine theta errors. Adjust the rigging as necessary so that the pull is straight through the center of the
3) Calibration always starts with the zero load. Remove all rigging that is not always present on the scale.
However, it is sometimes best to calibrate zero with the rigging necessary for picking up the test weights
attached to the scale. It’s effect on dead load can be zeroed out later.
4) If rigging has not been zeroed out, make sure you add its weight to the test weight when entering the cali-
bration weight.
5) Multi-point calibration can be done in any random order, as long as the zero step is first.
The following procedure assumes the scale can be unloaded to perform a zero reading.
1) Connect a terminal (or computer with a terminal program) to the crane scale’s Comm port. Settings for
your terminal program are: 9600 baud, 8 bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit, no parity, Handshaking is usually not
required, but you can turn on Xon/Xoff if you desire.
2) The crane scale display should read “C-Port”. If not proceed anyway. Step 3 will reconfigure the Comm
3) Press and Hold NET/GROSS then press USER. The LED should read “H-Port”. Press [RETURN] on your
terminal program. The CellScale main menu should appear.
---------- MSI 9000 - CellScale ----------
- (c) 2005 Measurement Systems International -
13:48:06 10/02/05
(1) Channels/Calibration
(2) Communications
(3) Display
(4) Feature Locks/Passwords
(5) Product IDs
(6) Set Points
(7) System
(8) About...
Enter choice :
4) Select “Channels / Calibration” by pressing the terminal’s [1] key. The Channel Setup menu appears or a
dialog box asks you to press the sealed calibration keys (Standard set for NTEP or OIML mode).
***** Channel Setup *****
(1) Channel Calibration
(2) Data backup
(3) Filter (software)
(4) Channel Scanlist functions
(5) Motion Compensation (Accelerometer option required)
(6) Motion Detection
(7) Tare
(8) Total
(9) Units Lock
(a) Zero
(b) Standard Mode: Industry
(c) 4 to 20mA
(ESC) Exit
5) Start the Calibration procedure by pressing [1]. The “Choose Channel to Calibrate” menu appears. This
menu allows you to select which channel is to be calibrated. It uses the Scan List to identify which chan-
nels are available for calibration.
For multiple channel systems, the channel list must be set up before starting the calibration procedure. See Section 4 in the MSI-9000 CellScale User Guide.