Rice Lake MSI9300 PortaWeigh Crane Scale Operator Manual User Manual
Page 23

MSI-9300 Crane Scale™
User Guide Page 23
Rev 1 7/27/02 for SW Ver 1-1
***** Choose Channel Parameters *****
(1) Continue. These settings are correct
(2) Choose the channel to calibrate: 1-1
(3) Calibration timeout: 10 minutes
(ESC) Exit
6) If the desired channel is already displayed, press [1] to continue to the next step. The channel number is
changed by pressing [2] until the desired channel to calibrate is displayed. This is typically 1-1 on MSI-
9300 Series crane scales. Dual load cell systems might have a channel 2-1 for the second load cell. Once
the correct channel is shown, press [1] “Continue ...”.
NOTE: Channel default is the first active channel. In this case, 1-1. It is also recommended to change the calibration timeout to NONE, by pressing [ 3 ], until
menu item 3 indicates: NONE.
7) The Channel Calibration menu appears. If the CellScale channel has never been calibrated, then you must
select [1]. If this is a recalibration for the same capacity, count-by (d) and calibration units, then you can
skip to step 10 by pressing [2]. Press [2] only if the settings at the bottom of the screen match the capacity
and resolution requirements.
***** Channel Calibration *****
(1) Perform a completely new calibration
(2) Re-do the current calibration
(3) Manually adjust current cal points
(4) Reset all cal parameters to defaults
(ESC) Exit
Calibrate channel #: 1-1
The channel name is: Fred2...............
Calibration Capacity: 1000.0
Calibration Countby: 0.2
Calibration Units: Pounds
8) The CellScale prompts for the calibration unit. Chose the desired unit. In this example we will choose kilo-
grams (2). MSI-9300 Series crane scales only have annunciators for pounds and kilograms.
Your choice of calibration unit does not prevent you from displaying the weight in any other unit. Select the unit matching your test weights.
***** Choose Calibration Units *****
(1) Pounds
(2) Kilograms
(3) Tons
(4) Metric Tons
(5) Ounces
(6) Grams
(7) Deka-Newtons
Type a key...
9) The CellScale next prompts for the capacity. With the numeric keys, enter the capacity of the scale. In our
example we’ll enter 10,000 kg.
The capacity represents the highest operating value of the crane scale. Do not enter a higher number than the scale is rated for. The actual overload point is a
few scale divisions above the entered capacity depending on the legal-for-trade settings.
Type in the new capacity: kg
10) The CellScale next prompts for the count by (d). The list presented is calculated by the processor accord-
ing to the type of transducer as set up in the channel list. In this example we’ll select [b] to provide 5000
This list is for a type ‘A’ scale with up to 10000 counts resolution. This is the standard default. MSI recommends all MSI-9300 Series crane scales calibrated at
5000 divisions or less. Too many divisions will compromise stability and settling time. Use the largest division size suitable for your application.