Multicode expression, Multicode expression -23, Multicode expression parameter # f1h, 95h – Rice Lake Motorola DS457 Laser Scanner User Manual
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User Preferences 6 - 23
Multicode Expression
Parameter # F1h, 95h
Use this feature to program a multicode expression for
(grid method). The default is 1, which
indicates any bar code.
To set the multicode expression:
Scan the bar code below.
Scan bar codes from the Alphanumeric Keyboard in the
Advanced Data Formatting Programmer Guide
Scan End of Message in the
Advanced Data Formatting Programmer Guide
Multicode Expression Syntax: [n] [Element 1]; [Element 2 ]; ... [Element n];
is the number of elements in the overall expression.
The multicode expression describes the bar code(s) that the imager can expect to find in an image. Each
element represents one bar code in the DS457's field of view. The order of elements in the expression is the
order in which bar code data from each element transmits to the host. Elements are defined using one or more
of the following methods:
By Region
. This type of element limits decoding to a specific area within the DS457's field of view. Region
coordinates are defined as the top left and bottom right corners of the region, expressed in percentages of the
field of view. These can range from 0% to 100%, or 0x00 to 0x64 in hex, for both horizontal and vertical axes.
A region element is constructed as:
[R] [4] [Top, Left] [Bottom, Right]
[R] is the character R
[4] is 0x04, indicating there are four bytes thereafter to describe the region
[Top, Left] are two values representing the top left corner of the region
[Bottom, Right] are two values representing the bottom right corner of the region
Note that the top of the field of view used for multicode expressions is the topmost part of the field of view when
the DS457's chassis rests on a horizontal surface.
Multicode Expression