Rice Lake Counterpart Configurable Counting Indicator - User Manual - Version 2.0 User Manual
Page 87

Counterpart User Manual - For More Information
=000 if primary DECPNT=8888800
=001 if primary DECPNT=8888880
=010 if primary DECPNT=8888888
=011 if primary DECPNT=888888.8
=100 if primary DECPNT=88888.88
=101 if primary DECPNT=8888.888
=110 if primary DECPNT=888.8888
=111 if primary DECPNT=88.88888
=000 if secondary DECPNT=8888800
=001 if secondary DECPNT=8888880
=010 if secondary DECPNT=8888888
=011 if secondary DECPNT=888888.8
=100 if secondary DECPNT=88888.88
=101 if secondary DECPNT=8888.888
=110 if secondary DECPNT=888.8888
=111 if secondary DECPNT=88.88888
=000 if tertiary DECPNT=8888800
=001 if tertiary DECPNT=8888880
=010 if tertiary DECPNT=8888888
=011 if tertiary DECPNT=888888.8
=100 if tertiary DECPNT=88888.88
=101 if tertiary DECPNT=8888.888
=110 if tertiary DECPNT=888.8888
=111 if tertiary DECPNT=88.88888
<wspec [–] [0] digit[[.]digit]>
Scale weight
Weight for the source scale. wspec is defined as follows:
wspec Indicates whether the weight is the current displayed weight
(W, w), gross (G, g), net (N, n), or tare (T, t) weight. Upper-case
letters specify right-justified weights; lower-case are left-justified.
Optional /P, /S, or /T suffixes can be added before the ending
delimiter (>) to specify weight display in primary (/P), secondary (/
S), or tertiary (/T) units.
Enter a minus sign (–) to include sign for negative values.
Enter a zero (0) to display leading zeroes.
The first digit indicates the field width in characters. Decimal point
only indicates floating decimal; decimal point with following digit
indicates fixed decimal with n digits to the right of the decimal.
Two consecutive decimals send the decimal point even if it falls at
the end of the transmitted weight field.
Carriage return
Line feed
Format Identifier
Defined By
Table 9-3. Custom Stream Formatting