29 glazing – Oldcastle BuildingEnvelope Reliance-TC User Manual
Page 29
R E L I A N C E - T C C U R T A I N W A L L I N S T A L L A T I O N M A N U A L
Side Block Installation
GP-115 "W" Block
(See view at left)
"W" Block
wedge gasket
GP-114 Side block at
shallow pocket
(install before glass is set)
Type I Vertical
Type I Vertical
Type II Vertical
MAY 2013
Phone: 1-866-OLDCASTLE (653-2278)
Web Address: www.oldcastlebe.com
3.16 If required, install GP-114 and GP-115 side blocks on Type I vertical mullions and GP-111 for
Type II vertical mullions at centerline of each lite along vertical edges. Hold GP-111 and GP-114 in
place with a dollop of silicone. For framing that may be subjected to seismic events, consult glass
manufacturer for preferred location. See FIGURE 27. NOTE: Side blocks are not required at SSG
3.17 Repeat steps 3.3. through 3.16 until all glass is set, working row by row up the elevation.