2 updating firmware, Restart the board, Activate the new startup configuration permanently – Kontron AT8402 User Manual User Manual
Page 82: Updating firmware - 18, At8402 software description
Software Description
Page 4 - 18
AT8402 User Guide
The startup configuration created before can be deleted by entering exactly the same com-
mand string preceeded by ‘no’:
(AT8402 Base Fabric) (Config)#no startupslot 3 config 2 initrd A
The ‘show’ command can also be used to display available versions of initrd. The syntax is:
show startupconfig initrd
The configuration mode is also used to activate one of the available startup configurations. The
syntax is:
startupslot 3 activate [once]
This command would activate the startup configuration 3 upon next system reset. The optional
parameter ‘once’ would start configuration 3 only once after the next system reset and start the
previously active configuration 2 on following resets. This is used to implement the failsafe up-
grade procedure described below.
Updating Firmware
The firmware - except bootloader and IPMC image - is updated using the CLI. To get a reliable
and failsafe update procedure, the following precautions must be fulfilled:
• Two independent partitions, one holds system A initrd and one holds system B initrd. The
active system is either system A or system B. See the flash partition scheme shown
above for more detail.
• One Time Boot capability: After having updated the inactive kernel and root file system,
the new system has to be started by rebooting the board. In case of the update having
installed an inoperable system which would cause the board to hang when booting, the
next board reset will restart the previous known good version of the system. This is
achieved by programming the bootloader environment appropriately.
• Redundant bootloader environment sectors: When the system is updated, the bootloader
environment must be changed to be able to start the updated version. The bootloader
environment sector is stored twice in flash, one active version and one backup version in
case the active version is deleted during update due to power loss or similar errors. In
this case, the redundant environment would cause the bootloader to start the previous
known good version of the system.
A software update of the AT8402 Carrier Board is done by performing the following steps:
1. Download initrd image into the appropriate slot of the flash memory. Ensure that the cur-
rently active images are not overwritten.
2. Select a configuration for base switch for the new software release. This can be done by
choosing the factory default or by storing the running system configuration into flash.
3. Create a startup configuration by combining the slots with the update images and the con-
figuration slots for base and fabric switch.
4. Activate the selected startup configuration for One Time Boot.
5. Restart the board.
6. Activate the new startup configuration permanently