Dynojet 424 Linx: DWRT Installation Guide User Manual

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4 2 4 L I N X I N S T A L L A T I O N

Inner Mounting Plate Installation

Version 6

Linx Installation for Model 424 Automotive Dynamometers



Using the access holes, secure the bottom of the inner mounting plate to the
moveable dyno using two 3/8-16 x 1.5-inch flange bolts, two 3/8-inch flat washers,
and two 3/8-inch nuts.

Figure 6: Secure the Bottom of the Inner Mounting Plate to the Moveable Dyno

The following steps are for the above ground dyno only.

Secure the rear deck brace mounting bracket to the inner mounting plate and
dyno using the two 3/8-16 x 1.5-inch flange-hex bolts removed earlier.


Secure the rear deck brace to the mounting bracket using the two
3/8-16 x 1.5-inch flange-hex bolts, washers, and nuts removed earlier.

Figure 7: Secure the Rear Deck Brace and Mounting Bracket


access hole



rear deck brace

mounting bracket

rear deck brace