BoonDocker POLARIS: 2007-10 Dragon Pump Gas User Manual
Page 5
BoonDocker Performance 1585 Hollipark Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Toll Free (US) 877-552-6127 or 208-542-4411
Revised 10/01/2010
Page 5
Air box Bracket Instructions
A. Locate the air box bracket, two- 5/16 lock nuts and
the 1 ¼” rubber bumper. Install the rubber bumper to
the bottom of the air box bracket and fasten with a
5/16 lock nut. Slide the air box bracket into place as
shown. Install the 2
5/16 lock nut, but leave it loose
for now.
B. Make sure the air box and throttle bodies are slid all
the way in place. Using a 3/16” drill bit, drill the 2 holes
towards the rear of the sled first (this will keep the
bracket from moving while riveting the front holes).
Fasten the bracket with the supplied rivets. Now drill and
rivet the front holes.
C. After riveting the bracket in place tighten the 5/16
lock nut on top of the air box bracket.