BoonDocker POLARIS: 2007-10 Dragon Pump Gas User Manual
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BoonDocker Performance 1585 Hollipark Dr. Idaho Falls, ID 83401
Toll Free (US) 877-552-6127 or 208-542-4411
Revised 10/01/2010
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D. Remove The Air Box. Disconnect the connector from
the TBAP sensor and remove the clamp that holds the fuel
lines to the air box. The 08-09 Polaris’ have a locking pin
to hold the air box in place. This is located on the clutch
side of the air box (See picture).You can remove it with a
long flat head screw driver or give the air box a good pull
and the plastic pin will break. You will not need the pin or
air box for the installation of this turbo kit.
E. Remove the TBAP sensor from the air box, Reconnect it
to the factory connector and find a new place to mount it.
We chose to zip-tie it to the wiring harness on the clutch
F. Remove seat and gas tank. This is only necessary for
the 07 models only but does make the install easier
on all models if removed. You will need a special quick
release tool to remove the fuel lines from your gas tank
(see picture). This tool can be found at your local
automotive store.
G. Remove the throttle Bodies.
Disconnect the throttle cable and the TPS sensor
connector. Remove the coolant lines from the throttle
bodies. You can use a pair of clamps to kink the lines or
you can insert a bolt to plug off the lines and keep them
from leaking.