AVer E1008H User Manual
Page 115
4. In User Setting dialog, Select and fill in the following information.
Name: Enter the user name.
Description: Enter the user description.
Password: Enter the user password.
Confirm Password: Enter the same user password for confirmation.
Authorization level: Select the status of the user. Administrator has full authority of
control rights.
Visible Camera: Select the camera number that would allow the user to access or
view. To select all the cameras, enable the ALL check box.
Remote Access Time: Enable Infinite check box to access NVR/DVR without time
limit. If you want to set time limit, un-mark and enter the number of minutes in Minute
text box.
Control Right: Enable the items that would allow the user to access.
Time Span: Set the user account a specific time period that user only can use given
account to login NVR/DVR program in that specific period. Mark Enable check box and
select the Activation Date and Expiry Date.