Ecoramg a uigita source, Notes on recording mode, Recording a digital source – Sony MDS-501 User Manual

Page 25: Recording

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ecoramg a uigita


You can use your MD recorder to record in the following
three ways:

•Recording from a digital source
•Recording from an analog source
•CD synchro recording

These recording methods are explained in the following

three sections.

Notes on recording mode

•When recording from a digital or an analog source:

— If the recording mode remains All REC OFF (factory

setting), the recorder will record new material hrom the
end of the existing material.*

— If the recorder is set to All REC ON before inserting an

MD, the recorder will erase the entire contents of the
MD, then record the new material from the beginning of
the disc.*

• During CD synchro recording:

— The recorder stays in All REC OFF mode regardless of

the recording mode setting and the recorder records new
material from the end of the existing material.

* To change the recording mode, see page 22.

When you record from a digital source through the
recorder's digital input jack, recording level adjustment is
unnecessary. You can add track numbers either manually or
automatically (see page 32).