Sony MDS-501 User Manual

Page 21

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background image

The music scan function automatically plays back the first 6,

10 or 20 seconds of each track in succession allowing you to

quickly check the contents of the disc.

When the auto space function is on, the recorder inserts a
three-second blank space after playing each track to allow
use of the AMS function on tapes dubbed from the MD.

Remote commander operation only



qacp q j q a c p

l^p ^p cp ^p

Gp S) QO (S 8)




Remote commander operation only



(p cp cp cp cp

^p op ^p ^p cp


|op (Q (5) (2)


Press M.SCAN while the recorder is stopped.


The scanning time appears. Press M.SCAN to select a
scanning time of 6,10, or 20 seconds.

n . S C O H

Scanning time

Press A.SPACE once.

"A.SPACE" lights up.

1 2

4 1 n 2 1 s

To cancel the auto space function
Press A.SPACE twice to turn off "A.SPACE"

I Motel

Sound cut-off may occur at the start of new tracks
When a selection comprises consecutive tracks undivided by blank
spaces (e.g., s)miphonies), the insertion of the three-second blank by
the auto space function may result in some sound cut-off at the start
of each track.