Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual

Page 6

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Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot is supported on remote booting of the following IA-32 operating systems:

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x86

Platform Requirements for Intel® 64 Architecture (Intel® 64)

Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot is supported on remote booting of the following Intel® 64 operating systems:

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2

Microsoft Windows Server 2012

Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2



A platform that supports Intel® 64 will run in either 64-bit mode or 32-bit compatibility mode. In order for it to run in 64-bit

mode, the following requirements must be met:

The Intel® 64 system must have a 64-bit BIOS.

A 64-bit operating systems must be installed.

The installer for the adapter drivers will only list the drivers that are compatible with the currently running operating system.

If the system is running in compatibility mode, only IA-32 drivers will be available.

If the system is running in 64-bit mode, only Intel® 64 drivers will be available.

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