Intel® iscsi boot configuration menu, Iscsi chap configuration – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual
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Intel® iSCSI Boot Configuration Menu
The iSCSI Boot Configuration Menu allows you to configure the iSCSI Boot and Internet Protocol (IP) parameters for a specific
port. The iSCSI settings can be configured manually or retrieved dynamically from a DHCP server. Listed below are the
options in the Intel® iSCSI Boot Configuration Menu:
Use Dynamic IP Configuration (DHCP) - Selecting this checkbox will cause iSCSI Boot to attempt to get the client IP
address, subnet mask, and gateway IP address from a DHCP server. If this checkbox is enabled, these fields will not be
Initiator Name - Enter the iSCSI initiator name to be used by Intel iSCSI Boot when connecting to an iSCSI target. The
value entered in this field is global and used by all iSCSI Boot enabled ports in the system. This field may be left blank
if the "Use DHCP For Target Configuration" checkbox is enabled. For information on how to retrieve the iSCSI
initiator name dynamically from a DHCP server see the section
Initiator IP - Enter the client IP address to be used for this port as static IP configuration in this field. This IP address
will be used by the port during the entire iSCSI session. This option is visible if DHCP is not enabled.
Subnet Mask - Enter the IP subnet-mask in this field. This should be the IP subnet mask used on the network which
the selected port will be connecting to for iSCSI. This option is visible if DHCP is not enabled.
Gateway IP - Enter the IP address of the network gateway in this field. This field is necessary if the iSCSI target is
located on a different sub-network than the selected Intel iSCSI Boot port. This option is visible if DHCP is not enabled.
Use DHCP for iSCSI Target Information - Selecting this checkbox will cause Intel iSCSI Boot to attempt to gather
the iSCSI target's IP address, IP port number, iSCSI target name, and iSCSI LUN ID from a DHCP server on the
network. For information on how to configure the iSCSI target parameters using DHCP see the section
. When this checkbox is enabled, these fields will not be visible.
Target Name - Enter the IQN name of the iSCSI target in this field. This option is visible if DHCP for iSCSI target is not
NOTE: Target IQNs can differ for primary and secondary ports.
Target IP - Enter the target IP address of the iSCSI target in this field. This option is visible if DHCP for iSCSI target is
not enabled.
Target Port - TCP Port Number. This option is visible if DHCP for the iSCSI target is not enabled.
Boot LUN - Enter the LUN ID of the boot disk on the iSCSI target in this field. This option is visible if DHCP for iSCSI
target is not enabled.
NOTE: The Boot LUNs may differ for the primary and secondary ports since the primary and secondary ports
may have different targets.
iSCSI CHAP Configuration
Intel® iSCSI Boot supports one-way CHAP MD5 authentication with an iSCSI target. Intel® iSCSI Boot uses the "MD5 Message
Digest Algorithm" developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. The iSCSI CHAP Configuration menu has the following options to
enable CHAP authentication:
Use CHAP - Selecting this checkbox will enable CHAP authentication for this port. CHAP allows the target to
authenticate the initiator. After enabling CHAP authentication, a user name and target password must be entered.
User Name - Enter the CHAP user name in this field. This must be the same as the CHAP user name configured on the
iSCSI target.
Target Secret - Enter the CHAP password in this field. This must be the same as the CHAP password configured on the
iSCSI target and must be between 12 and 16 characters in length. This password cannot be the same as the Initiator
Use Mutual CHAP - Selecting this checkbox will enable Mutual CHAP authentication for this port. Mutual CHAP allows
the initiator to authenticate the target. After enabling Mutual CHAP authentication, an initiator password must be
entered. Mutual CHAP can only be selected if Use CHAP is selected.
Initiator Secret - Enter the Mutual CHAP password in this field. This password must also be configured on the iSCSI
target and must be between 12 and 16 characters in length. This password cannot be the same as the Target Secret.