Firmware setup, Follow the, Configurations. see the section for – Dell Intel PRO Family of Adapters User Manual
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Firmware Setup: Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot User Guide
Intel® iSCSI Boot Port Selection Menu
Intel® iSCSI Boot Port Specific Menu
Intel® iSCSI Boot Configuration Menu
Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot features a setup menu which allows two network ports in one system to be enabled as iSCSI Boot
devices. To configure Intel® iSCSI Boot, power-on or reset the system and press the Ctrl-D key when the message "Press
" is displayed. After pressing the Ctrl-D key, you will be taken to the Intel® iSCSI Boot Port
Selection Setup Menu.
NOTE: When booting an operating system from a local disk, Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot should be disabled for all
network ports.
Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot Port Selection Menu
The first screen of the Intel® iSCSI Boot Setup Menu displays a list of Intel iSCSI Boot-capable adapters. For each adapter port
the associated MAC address, PCI device ID, PCI bus/device/function location, and a field indicating Intel® Ethernet iSCSI Boot
status are displayed. Up to 16 iSCSI Boot-capable ports can be displayed within the Port Selection Menu, 4 at a time in a
scrollable list. If there are more Intel® iSCSI Boot-capable adapters, these are not listed in the setup menu. The usage of this
menu is described below:
One network port in the system can be selected as the primary boot port by pressing the 'P' key when highlighted. The
primary boot port will be the first port used by Intel® iSCSI Boot to connect to the iSCSI target. Only one port may be
selected as a primary boot port.
One network port in the system can be selected as the secondary boot port by pressing the 'S' key when highlighted.
The secondary boot port will only be used to connect to the iSCSI target disk if the primary boot port fails to establish a
connection. Only one port may be selected as a secondary boot port.
Pressing the 'D' key with a network port highlighted will disable iSCSI Boot on that port.
Pressing the 'B' key with a network port highlighted will blink an LED on that port.
Pressing the Esc key exits the Port Selection Menu.
Pressing the Enter key enters the iSCSI Boot Port Specific Setup Menu for that port.
It is possible to end up with two primary adapters if a formerly configured primary adapter is added back to the
system with a new primary adapter configured. Either disable one of the adapters or change one to be a
secondary adapter.
When configuring primary and secondary ports, each may have different target parameters. Thus, if the iSCSI
primary target fails to connect to its target, the secondary port will try to connect to its target.
Intel® iSCSI Boot Port Specific Setup Menu
The port specific iSCSI setup menu has four options:
iSCSI Boot Configuration - Selecting this option will take you to the Intel® iSCSI Boot Configuration Setup Menu. This
menu is described in detail in the section below and will allow you to configure the iSCSI parameters for the selected
network port.
CHAP Configuration - Selecting this option will take you to the CHAP configuration screen. The CHAP Configuration
Menu is described in detail in the section below.
Discard Changes and Exit - Selecting this option will discard all changes made in the iSCSI Boot Configuration and
CHAP Configuration setup screens, and return back to the Intel® iSCSI Boot Port Selection Menu.
Save Changes and Exit - Selecting this option will save all changes made in the iSCSI Boot Configuration and CHAP
Configuration setup screens. After selecting this option, you will return to the Intel® iSCSI Boot Port Selection Menu.