Carrier AQUAZONE 50RTP03-20 User Manual

Page 43

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The control has four user adjustable set points: DCV start

control set point, DCV maximum control set point, minimum

damper position, and DCV maximum damper position.
Two-Position OA Damper — The control can be configured

to operate a ventilation damper in a two-position ventilation

mode to provide the minimum ventilation requirements during

occupied periods.

ler has the capability of providing modulating or two-position

water economizer operation (for a field-installed economizer

coil mounted to the entering air side of the unit and connected

to the condenser water loop) in order to provide free cooling

(or preheating) when water conditions are optimal. Water econ-

omizer settings can be accessed through the equipment status

screen. The following conditions must be true for economizer

• SAT reading is available.

• LWT reading is available.

• If occupied, the SPT is greater than the occupied cooling

set point or less than the occupied heating set point and

the condenser water is suitable.

• Space temperature reading is valid.

• If unoccupied, the SPT is greater than the unoccupied

cooling set point or less than the unoccupied heating set

point and the condenser water is suitable.

Modulating Water Economizer Control — The control has

the capability to modulate a water valve to control condenser

water flowing through a coil on the entering air side of the unit.
Cooling — The purpose is to provide an economizer cooling

function by using the water loop when the entering water loop

temperature is suitable (at least 5° F below space temperature).

If the water loop conditions are suitable, then the valve will

modulate open as required to maintain a supply-air temperature

that meets the load conditions. Should the economizer coil ca-

pacity alone be insufficient for a period greater than 5 minutes,

or should a high humidity condition occur, then the compressor

will also be started to satisfy the load. Should the SAT ap-

proach the minimum cooling SAT limit, the economizer valve

will modulate closed during compressor operation.
Heating — Additionally, the control will modulate the water

valve should the entering water loop temperature be suitable

for heating (at least 5 F above space temperature) and heat is

required. The valve will be controlled in a similar manner ex-

cept to satisfy the heating requirement. Should the economizer

coil capacity alone be insufficient to satisfy the space load con-

ditions for more than 5 minutes, then the compressor will be

started to satisfy the load. Should the SAT approach the maxi-

mum heating SAT limit, the economizer valve will modulate

closed during compressor operation.
Two-Position Water Economizer Control — The control has

the capability to control a NO or NC, two-position water valve

to control condenser water flow through a coil on the entering

air side of the unit.
Cooling — The purpose is to provide a cooling economizer

function directly from the condenser water loop when the en-

tering water loop temperature is suitable (at least 5 F below

space temperature). If the optional coil is provided and the wa-

ter loop conditions are suitable, then the valve will open to

provide cooling to the space when required. Should the

capacity be insufficient for a period greater than 5 minutes, or

should a high humidity condition occur, then the compressor

will be started to satisfy the load. Should the SAT reach the

minimum cooling SAT limit, the economizer valve will close

during compressor operation.
Heating — Additionally, the economizer control will open the

water valve should the entering water loop temperature be suit-

able for heating (at least 5 F above space temperature) and

heat is required. The valve will be controlled in a similar

manner except to satisfy the heating requirement. Should the

coil capacity be insufficient to satisfy the space load for more

than 5 minutes, then the compressor will be started to satisfy

the load. Should the SAT reach the maximum heating SAT

limit, the economizer valve will close during compressor oper-

DEMAND LIMIT — The WSHP Open controller has the

ability to accept three levels of demand limit from the network.

In response to a demand limit, the unit will decrease its heating

set point and increase its cooling set point to widen the range in

order to immediately lower the electrical demand. The amount

of temperature adjustment in response is user adjustable for

both heating and cooling and for each demand level. The re-

sponse to a particular demand level may also be set to zero.

vides optimized water loop operation using an universal con-

troller (UC) open loop controller. Loop pump operation is auto-

matically controlled by WSHP equipment occupancy sched-

ules, unoccupied demand and tenant override conditions.

Positive pump status feedback prevents nuisance fault trips.

The condenser water linkage operates when a request for con-

denser water pump operation is sent from each WSHP to the

loop controller. This request is generated whenever any WSHP

is scheduled to be occupied, is starting during optimal start (for

warm-up or pull down prior to occupancy), there is an unoccu-

pied heating or cooling demand, or a tenant pushbutton over-

ride. At each WSHP, the water loop temperature and the loop

pump status is given. The WSHP will NOT start a compressor

until the loop pumps are running or will shutdown the com-

pressors should the pumps stop. This prevents the WSHP from

operating without water flow and thus tripping out on refriger-

ant pressure, causing a lockout condition. The WSHP Open

controller control will prevent this from occurring. Also, the

loop controller can be configured to start the pumps only after a

configurable number of WSHPs are requesting operation (from

1-"N"). This can be used to prevent starting the entire loop op-

eration for only one WSHP. Meanwhile, the WSHPs will not

operate if the loop pump status is off and therefore the WSHP

compressor will not run.


System testing provides the ability to check the control

operation. The control enters a 20-minute Test mode by mo-

mentarily shorting the test pins. All time delays are increased

15 times.

Test Mode —

To enter Test mode on Complete C or De-

luxe D controls, cycle the fan 3 times within 60 seconds. The

LED (light-emitting diode) will flash a code representing the

last fault when entering the Test mode. The alarm relay will

also power on and off during Test mode. See Tables 18-20. To

exit Test mode, short the terminals for 3 seconds or cycle the

power 3 times within 60 seconds.
NOTE: The Deluxe D control has a flashing code and alarm

relay cycling code that will both have the same numerical

label. For example, flashing code 1 will have an alarm relay

cycling code 1. Code 1 indicates the control has not faulted

since the last power off to power on sequence.

Retry Mode —

In Retry mode, the status LED will start to

flash slowly to signal that the control is trying to recover from

an input fault. The control will stage off the outputs and try to

again satisfy the thermostat used to terminal Y. Once the ther-

mostat input calls are satisfied, the control will continue normal

NOTE: If 3 consecutive faults occur without satisfying the

thermostat input call to terminal Y, the control will go into

lockout mode. The last fault causing the lockout is stored in

memory and can be viewed by entering Test mode.