6 default recovery options, Reverting a windows system to its factory settings, Default recovery options – Acronis Backup for PC - User Guide User Manual

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5.5 Reverting a Windows system to its factory settings

If your Windows operating system was deployed by using Acronis Backup for System Builders, you
can revert the system to its factory settings.

Reverting the system to the factory settings can be started from the management console or at boot
time. The second method is useful if the operating system became unbootable for some reason.

To start the operation from the management console, click Revert to factory settings in the
Welcome screen.

To start the operation at boot time, press a hot key (usually, F11) and then click Revert to factory
in the appeared screen. Alternatively, you can continue booting the operating system.

Once you confirm the operation, Acronis Backup will re-deploy the factory image located in Acronis
Secure Zone. This will recover the original volume layout, the pre-installed Windows operating
system, and any original third-party applications. In addition, the software will remove all user
archives from Acronis Secure Zone and resize Acronis Secure Zone to its original size.

Caution: All user data stored on the original disks of the machine will be lost.

Sometimes, a system cannot be reverted to the factory settings even at boot time. This may be the
case if a drive failure occurred, if the factory image became corrupted in Acronis Secure Zone, or if
the original drive was replaced with a new one. In these cases, you can revert the system to the
factory settings by using the factory bootable media if it was shipped with the machine.

To start the operation, boot the machine into the factory bootable media and click Revert to factory
in the appeared screen. Once you confirm the operation, Acronis Backup will create Acronis
Secure Zone and copy the factory image to it. Then, it will re-deploy the factory image as described

For additional information, refer to "Acronis Secure Zone" (p. 143) and "Acronis Startup Recovery
Manager" (p. 174).

5.6 Default recovery options

Each Acronis agent has its own default recovery options. Once an agent is installed, the default
options have pre-defined values, which are referred to as presets in the documentation. When
creating a recovery task, you can either use a default option, or override the default option with the
custom value that will be specific for this task only.

You can also customize a default option itself by changing its value against the pre-defined one. The
new value will be used by default in all recovery tasks you will create later on this machine.

To view and change the default recovery options, connect the console to the managed machine and
then select Options > Default backup and recovery options > Default recovery options from the top

Availability of the recovery options

The set of available recovery options depends on:

The environment the agent operates in (Windows, bootable media).

The type of data being recovered (disk, file).

The operating system being recovered from the disk backup.

The following table summarizes the availability of the recovery options.