Humboldt H-4114SD.3F Electrical Density Gauge User Manual
Page 36

You will see the following Screen.
From this screen, after each test you will see the Test Results. You can
also review the results of individual Soil Tests by Pressing the Arrow Keys
at the bottom of the screen. The number between the Arrows indicates
which test the results above it correspond to. Using the Arrows, cycles
you through the completed tests you have conducted for this Job Site.
Job Site Results listed include:
Dry Density
Wet Density
Percent Moisture
M: Moisture
%PR: Percent Compaction
MAXD: Maximum Density
27. To perform additional tests, first move to a new location and then
follow the same steps you used to produce your first test in explained
in Step 26.
28. Storage and Transfer of Data
Storage of Test Data on the EDG is more than robust. There is enough
storage on the EDG to store 2,000 Projects of 2000 Tests each, so you
should never have a problem with storing your Soil Models and Test
Transferring data from the EDG to your computer can be accomplished
in several ways. The first way would be to use the Blue Tooth capabilities
of the EDG to connect to your PC. To accomplish this, Press the
Data button
on the Home Screen.