Humboldt H-4114SD.3F Electrical Density Gauge User Manual
Page 31

Remember: Once a Soil Model has been selected (linked) for a Job Site,
it cannot be changed.
Press the Ok button
Warning: Once a Soil Model is linked with a job site and saved, it
can not be changed. Also note that changes to the soil model will
not take affect on the current Job Site.
Essentially what this means, is that once you link a Soil Model to a
specific Job Site, the data in that Soil Model in relationship to this
specific Job Site is frozen. While you still can add points and change
data to the original Soil Model, those changes will not affect the current
Job Site it is linked to. Thus, after linking a Soil Model to a Job Site and
proceeding with actual tests, you will not see changes to your results, if
you go back and add points or change data in that original Soil Model.
However, this does not prevent you from making a copy of the original
Soil Model, altering the data or adding points, and then linking this new
Soil Model to your Job Site. It also does not prevent you from linking a
new and different Soil Model to your Job Site.
After pressing the Ok button
above you will see the screen