Humboldt H-4114SD.3F Electrical Density Gauge User Manual
Page 22

18. Now that you have conducted your first test in developing your Soil
Model, you will also need to run a test on the same spot using the
traditional density and moisture test method you have chosen to use in
conjunction with the EDG. Complete this test and maintain the results
for entering the results into the EDG. If the method you have chosen
to use provides results on-site, like a nuclear gauge, you can enter the
results into the EDG as you build your soil model. Or, you can wait and
enter all the results when the traditional method results are completed.
19. To complete your Soil Model, you will need to do a total of 6 to 12 tests
with a range of different compaction levels and different moisture levels.
To review the ASTM procedure: A matrix of six (6) spots should be used
during the calibration procedure, which consists of two different soil
density conditions and three (3) water content conditions that cover the
range that is expected to be measured. The three calibration tests that
evaluate high density soil will use test locations that ideally will have soil
conditions that are close to the maximum density as determined by Test
Methods D1557 or an equivalent method. The range in water content
should include low water content, middle range water content, and high
water content that is near the optimum water content as determined by
Test Methods D1557 and D2216 or equivalent test methods.
20. To do your next test, move to a new spot and repeat the testing
process you used for your first test. Refer to Instruction 18 to Instruction
20. Remember to do a traditional density and moisture test with each
EDG test. Do these at the same location immediately following the Soil
Model Test so that moisture and density levels are the same as when
you do the EDG test.
21. When you are ready to match the results of your traditional density and
moisture tests with the EDG soil model you have constructed, follow
these steps to enter your information.
From the Soil Model Screen, press the Select button