Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 43

The display will show either
Press the right arrow key to return to the assay.
After the last replicate of the last standard is measured, SmartSpec Plus will construct
the standard curve.
C. Editing standard curve data. After the absorbance of the last replicate of the last
standard has been read, SmartSpec Plus will offer you a chance to edit the data set
before constructing the standard curve. You can re-read a standard or any replicate of a
standard group, or you can edit the concentration information for any standard or standard
replicate group.
If you do not want to edit the data, press Enter and skip to D below. If you need
to edit the data or to re-read one or more samples, press Select to toggle from No
to Yes and press Enter.
To edit a concentration, press 1.
Press Select until the standard you want to edit is displayed and then press Enter.
Use the number keys to input the correct concentration and press Enter.
Press the left arrow key to return to the assay and complete construction of the
standard curve. If you want to re-read a standard, press 2.
Use the number keys to input the number of the standard that you want to re-read,
press Enter, input the replicate number and press Enter again.
Do you wish to modify
the Standard Curve? No
1. Edit Concentrations
2. Reread a Std
Select Standard to edit:
Standard #1: 123.4567
A750 = X.XXX
Std #1 Rep #2 >= Continue
A750 = X.XXX = - X.XXX
Std #1 Mean >= Continue
Change Conc Std #1 from
123.45678 to
1. Edit Concentrations
2. Reread a Std
Enter Standard#
Enter Rep#
Do you want to reread
blanks each time? Yes