Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 37

Each time you place a new blank into SmartSpec Plus, press Read Blank.
After the absorbance reading is collected, the instrument is zeroed and the dis-
play will show
You can check the absorbance reading at any time by pressing Abs.
Press the right arrow key to return to the assay.
After all the blanks are read, SmartSpec Plus will prompt you for the number of
standards, the units of concentration for those standards, and then the number of
standard replicates. If you do have replicates, then it will ask you if you have the
same number of replicates for each standard. SmartSpec Plus allows you to have dif-
fering numbers of replicates for each standard.
Use the number keys to input the number of standards and press Enter. Next
SmartSpec Plus will prompt for the units of concentration. Your standards must all
have the same units.
Press Select until you see the desired units of concentration and then press Enter.
As you press Select, other choices of units are displayed, each new choice
representing a reduction of one order of magnitude in concentration, or you can
choose to have no units.
Next SmartSpec Plus will ask if any of the standards are to be read in replicate.
If you have prepared any of your standards in replicate, press Select to toggle
from No to Yes and press Enter. Skip ahead to ii. If none of the standards are
prepared in replicate, press Enter.
A750 = 0.000
Enter the number of
standards (2–9):
Select concentration
units: µg/ml
Select concentration
units: mg/ml
Select concentration
units: µg/ml
Select concentration
units: ng/ml
Select concentration
units: none