Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 18

Cancels the last entry or causes an exit from Setup.
When editing sequence information, press Cancel to
delete a base. When Options are displayed, press
Cancel to return to the assay.
Used to access other menus or screens. Also used to
move the cursor.
Paper Feed
Feeds paper through the printer. Used when removing
or installing a paper roll.
The Alpha key allows the user to toggle between
alpha and numeric input for naming stored standard
curves or naming operators. When in alpha mode, an
LED is illuminated on the key. To type an alphabetic
character when in the alpha mode, press one of the
number keys in the left or center columns. To type an
A, press the 1 key once; to type a B, press the 1 key
twice, and to type a C, press the 1 key three times.
These keys also enable the user to enter sequence data.
Sequence data are input using the last column of keys
on the number pad: to type an A, press the 3 key; to
type a C, press the 6 key; to type a G, press the 9 key
and to type a T or U, press the exp key.
Number pad
Used to input numeric values for SmartSpec Plus
calculations. The exp key is used for making entries in
exponential notation, and when it is pressed, an e is
displayed by SmartSpec Plus. It refers to the base 10
and not to the base of the natural logarithm.
Section 5
Quick Guide
1. Power up the instrument. It will go through system status check and display an error
message if there are any problems.
2. Press one of the Assay buttons.
Choose type of nucleic acid
a. dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA: accept or modify the conversion factor
b. DNA oligo or RNA oligo: input molar extinction coefficient and molecular
weight; otherwise choose method for SmartSpec Plus to estimate these values.
ii. Choose whether to subtract background and, if so, specify background
B. Protein
Choose type of assay.
a. Bradford. Measure absorbance at 595 nm.
b. Lowry. Measure absorbance at 750 nm.
c. BCA. Measure absorbance at 562 nm.
d. UV. Measure absorbance at 260, 280, and 320 nm.
e. Other. User specifies the wavelength to read.