Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual

Page 19

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ii. Choose standard curve option.

a. Create a new standard curve.
b. Recall a standard curve from memory.
c. No standard curve. SmartSpec Plus will not be able to convert absorbance

to concentration.

C. Scan


Set upper and lower limits of scan. (200 nm to 800 nm)

ii. Choose whether to subtract background and, if so, specify background


iii. Choose fast or slow scan.

iv. For the fast scan, choose number of successive scans.

D. Kinetic


Choose wavelength to read.

ii. Choose duration of data collection.

iii. Choose interval between successive readings.

iv. Choose whether to subtract background and, if so, specify background


E. OD600


Accept or modify the conversion factor.



Choose number of wavelengths to read.

ii. Specify the wavelengths to read.

iii. Choose whether to subtract background and, if so, specify background


3. If your dilution factor is not 1.0, set the dilution factor.
4. Zero the instrument. Place a cuvette containing the blank solution into SmartSpec Plus

and press Read Blank.

5. Collect absorbance data. Place cuvette containing sample solution into SmartSpec Plus

and press Read Sample. Continue collecting absorbance data until all samples are

6. Absorbance and/or concentration data are displayed automatically as they are collected.

If there are absorbance data at other wavelengths, press Abs to see them. DNA or RNA
oligo concentrations are available in units of µg/ml and pmole/µl; press Conc to toggle
between them. If absorbance or concentration data area displayed, press Enter to return
the Ready screen, or simply put the next sample cuvette into SmartSpec Plus and press
Read Sample.

7. After last sample, press left arrow key to exit assay.
8. For protein assays, save the standard curve (if you made a new one) and print the full
