Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 15

4. When the SmartSpec Plus sends data, either when requested from Scan, or Kinetics, or
when the user activates the data echo toggle in Setup, the data streams to the terminal
5. Capturing data in HyperTerminal and saving the data in a file:
In the main HyperTerminal window menu, first click Transfer and then click Capture Text.
Capture Text . . .
[give file name and path]
e.g. c:\program files\accessories\hyperterminal\capture.txt
A dialog box with the default file name, file extension and file path will appear. Accept
the default, or type in a new path and/or file name.
Use the SmartSpec and send data from the SmartSpec to the computer.
When finished:
Capture Text . . .
Stop (closes file)
6. Start Excel (or Wordpad, or MS Word, etc.)
If using Excel click
Open the SmartSpec/HyperTerminal data file.
e.g. c:\program files\accessories\hyperterminal\scan.txt
make sure files of types:
(e.g. *.txt) is set to correct extension
Select and Open desired file
Text Import Wizard:
Colon (:) is used as a delimiter for Scan and Kinetics
General data type should be sufficient for expressing numerical data. The system
selects the appropriate data type.
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