Bio-Rad SmartSpec Plus Spectrophotometer User Manual
Page 28

8. Exit the Assay. You can exit the assay by pressing the left arrow key when the Ready
screen is displayed.
SmartSpec Plus will prompt you to save a newly created standard curve (for protein
assays) and then prompt you to print a complete report of absorbances, concentration
and A260:A280 ratios. The report will also show means and standard deviations for
each standard or unknown sample replicate group. If you do not print the assay report
before another Assay key is pressed, the data will be lost.
Section 7
Examples of Assays
1. Select the type of nucleic acid.
Press Select to scroll through the other choices and press Enter to signify your selection.
2. Determining the conversion factor.
A. dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA
If you choose dsDNA, ssDNA or RNA, the next screens display the conversion
factor and allow you to modify it if you want. The conversion factor is used in
calculating nucleic acid concentrations from absorbance data. The factor represents
the concentration of a solution with an A260 of 1.000. E.g., for ds DNA
If this factor is acceptable, press Enter. If this is not an acceptable conversion
factor, press Select to toggle from Yes to No and press Enter.
Ready to read absorbance
<=Exit Assay >=Options
Select type of nucleic
acid: dsDNA
A260 1.0=50.0 µg/ml. Is
conversion factor OK? Yes
Select type of nucleic
acid: ssDNA
Select type of nucleic
acid: RNA
Select type of nucleic
acid: DNA oligo
Select type of nucleic
acid: RNA oligo
Enter conversion factor:
A260 1.0=