Life science group, Bio-rad laboratories, inc – Bio-Rad Trans-Blot® Plus Cell User Manual
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Life Science
Web site Bio-Rad Laboratories Main Office
Also in: Australia Ph. 02 9914 2800, Fx. 02 9914 2889 Austria
Belgium Ph. 09-385 55 11, Fx. 09-385 65 54
Ph. 55 21 507 6191 Canada
Czech Republic Ph. (420) 2-4141 0532 Fx. (420) 2-4143 1642 Denmark
Ph. 089 318 84-177, Fx.
089 318 84-123
Hong Kong
Ph. 852-2789-3300, Fx. 852-2789-1257 India
Israel Ph. 03 951 4127, Fx. 03 951 4129
Japan Ph. 03-5811-6270, Fx. 03-5811-6272
Ph. 82-2-3473-4460, Fx. 82-2-3472-7003 Latin America Ph. 305-894-5950, Fx. 305-894-5960 Mexico Ph. 52 5 534 2552 to 54, Fx. 52 5 524 5971
The Netherlands Ph. 0318-540666, Fx. 0318-542216 New Zealand Ph. 64-9-4152280, Fx. 64-9-443 3097 Norway Ph. 47-23-38-41-30, Fx. 47-23-38-41-39
Poland Ph. (48) 22-8126 672, Fx. (48) 22-8126 682 Portugal
Russia Ph. 7 095 721 1404, Fx. 7 095 721 1412
Ph. 65-2729877, Fx. 65-2734835 South Africa 00 27 11 4428508, Fx. 00 27 11 4428525 Spain Ph. 34 91 590 5200, Fx. 34 91 590 5211
Sweden Ph. 46 (0)8-55 51 27 00, Fx. 46 (0)8-55 51 27 80 Switzerland Ph. 061 717-9555, Fx. 061 717-9550 United Kingdom Ph. 0800-181134, Fx. 01442-259118
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Laboratories, Inc.
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