Bio-Rad Trans-Blot® Plus Cell User Manual
Page 12

Note: The color-coded cables on the lid MUST attach to the electrode cards
of the same color. Reversing the orientation of the cables will cause
irreversible damage to the plate electrodes.
Connect the Trans-Blot Plus cell to the power supply. Begin the run. See
Section 3.1 for suggested run times with various buffers.
5. Upon completion of the run, remove the cassettes and disassemble the gel
sandwich on a flat surface so that one locking clamp can be released at a time.
2.6 Draining the tank
After transfer, remove at least half the buffer in the tank before moving the tank
off of the magnetic stir plate for cleaning. To drain the tank, use the drain port
fittings provided and an additional length of tubing (see Additional Components).
First, be sure that the open end of the tubing is placed into a receptacle that is
large enough to accommodate all the buffer. Then, insert the male quick-connect
fitting onto the drain port on the side of the tank (see Figure 5). The tank will begin
to drain as soon as the connection is made.
Fig. 5.
2.7 Running Acidic Transfers
When transferring under acidic conditions, switch the orientation of the gel and
membrane or simply reverse the orientation of the cassette so that the red side
faces the cathode electrode card (black). Do not reverse the electrode plates or
plug the cables into the reverse poles. This will cause irreversible damage to
the plate electrodes.