Bio-Rad Trans-Blot® Plus Cell User Manual

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Section 1
General Information

1.1 Introduction

The Trans-Blot Plus cell is an electrophoretic transfer cell designed for use with

large format gels, such as those used with the PROTEAN Plus Dodeca cell, and
for high-throughput blotting applications with smaller format gels, such as those
used with the Criterion Dodeca cell. The Trans-Blot Plus cell is supplied with three
gel holder cassettes, each with an effective blotting area of 26.5 x 28 cm. A pair of
plate electrodes- a platinum-coated titanium anode and a stainless steel cathode-
may be positioned 4 cm, 7 cm, or 10 cm apart for electrophoretic transfers of one,
two, and three gel-containing cassettes, respectively. This variable placement
ensures a minimum distance between electrodes, which increases the field
strength and efficiency of transfer. Cooling, which is achieved with the Super cooling
coil and a refrigerated recirculating water bath, is required for high-intensity transfers
and is recommended for longer, overnight transfers. The Trans-Blot Plus tank is
designed to simultaneously accommodate the two plate electrode cards, three gel
holder cassettes and the Super cooling coil.