06 gcm 2010 sequence of operation, Ultra-cut 100 xt – Tweco 100 XT Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System User Manual

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Manual 0-5272

4.05 GCM 2010 First Time Operation Matching Gas Control to Lead Length

For initial operation of GCM2010 with software version 2.1 or later.

1. Before applying AC power set the Power Supply ENABLE/DISABLE switch on the gas control module to DIS-


2. Set Gas Selection switch to the correct position for cutting process being used.

3. Turn on AC power and set Power Supply ENABLE/DISABLE switch to ENABLE. After a short delay to establish

communications, the gas control will start the Purge and priming sequence. (If torch and coolant leads were

not already full of coolant you may be required to repeat this power on cycle and add coolant until the prim-

ing is complete).

4. Once the purge sequence is finished set the Mode Switch between Run and Set Precharge. Display says

“SET HOSE LENGTH” on the first line and LENGTH xxx FEET on the second. The xxx is most likely the

factory default of 175’ which is the system maximum.

5. Press in and hold the Current Control knob. Display changes to SELECT HOSE LENGTH and second line

steps downwards from 175’ to 50’ in 25’ increments. As soon as the correct length is displayed, release the


6. Set the Mode Switch back to Run.

7. The initial/first time set up is complete and does not have to be done again unless the Gas Control or it’s

main PC Board is replaced.

4.06 GCM 2010 Sequence Of Operation

For first time operation see previous steps, “First Time Operation...”

1. Set the Plasma Power Supply Enable / Disable switch to Disable.


Always shut o� input power to the system before changing or inspecting torch parts.

a. Change the torch parts if necessary.

b. Set the Plasma Power Supply Enable / Disable switch (on the Gas Control Module) to Enable. The Module

performs purges of 15 seconds, 11 seconds, and another 11 seconds. This removes water from the torch


2. Select the desired plasma and shield gas by setting the Gas Selection switch to the desired position. 2 sec-

onds after gas selection, the module purges the new gas(es) through the leads.

3. Set the preflow gas pressure.

a. Set the MODE switch to SET PREFLOW.

b. Use the PREFLOW control knob to set preflow gas pressure. Refer to the torch manual for pressure set-


4. Set the plasma and shield gas pressures and flows.

a. Set the MODE switch to SET PLASMA & SHIELD.

b. Use the PLASMA and SHIELD control knobs, pressure gauges, and flow meters to set plasma and shield

gas pressures and flows. Refer to the torch manual for pressure settings.

c. In installations using water shield, use the H


O MIST control knob and flow meter to set water flow rate.

Refer to the torch manual for flow rates.

5. Use the AMPERAGE SET-UP control knob to set the desired amperage output. The module will update the

amperage every 2 seconds after the last adjustment to the knob. The module keeps the set point in memory.