Ultra-cut 100 xt – Tweco 100 XT Ultra-Cut Plasma Cutting System User Manual
Page 174

Manual 0-5272
1. Check that the fiber-optic cable is fully plugged in to both sockets. Clean the cable ends with a soft cloth
and blow out the sockets with air.
2. Check gas control cables. If any of the gas control cables are not connected there will be no communication
as there will be no power to the control. This may show up as a 301 or 501 code. Also if the cable is broken
or defective such that the gas control is not enabled it may have power but in the case of the DMC or DPC
its fault light will blink error 101 while the CCM will only detect that there is no communication and it will
show 301 or possibly 501.
Gas Control communications reply fault
Communication has been established but Gas Control did not reply to a request from the CCM in the time al-
lowed. Likely cause is Fiber-optic problems (see code 501) or if problem persists defective Gas Control main PCB.
Gas Pressure fault
Gas pressure faults only show up when you try to start the torch, not during purging or setting flows .
With the Auto-Cut 200 XT and the Auto-Cut 300 XT (GCM 1000 XT), the gas pressure sensor is only on the
plasma gas and is in series with Run/Set switch. A 303 code here indicates either plasma gas missing or very
low pressure, less than 50 PSI, or RUN/SET switch is in SET position.
Starting with GCM2010 revision AG we measure inlet pressure of both plasma and shield gas at the inlet of
the gas selection manifold. If pressure is either too low or too high it sets 303 code. Earlier revision should not
display 303 code. GCM2010 will display which gas is the problem and its actual pressure. The pressure at the
point where it is measured should be in the range of 100-135 PSI. Exception is for shield gas if the Gas switch
is set to Pressure then the min pressure can be 85 PSI.
In the GCM 2010 Gas Control, on the main PCB, measure between test points TP1 (ground) and TP18 (shield)
and TP19 (plasma) to measure the output of the pressure sensors. Voltage should be between 2.6V to 3.5V for
100-135 PSI. With shield switch set to pressure low limit is 2.1V. Whichever gas is outside those limits will
be the one causing the fault. Remember the pressure may drop during operation, set the code, then recover
displaying L303 when you are measuring it.
• To test for faulty pressure sensor or inadequate gas supply with too much restriction. On the GCM 2010
place the Mode switch to SET Plasma & Shield, turn the mechanical pressure regulators to max pressure
and compare mechanical gauges with the pressure display. If the pressure display doesn’t approximately
match the gauge the sensor is likely defective. If the gauge and the pressure display both show low pres-
sure the supply to the gas control has too much restriction. Perhaps the hose is too long or too small.
Gas Control not ready
This is the normal code when the gas control is conducting a purge at start up or when the process is loaded
or changed or when the plasma system has been disabled and is returned to “Enable”. If it is a GCM 2010 the
Mode switch may not be set to the RUN mode.
Code 304 combined with 204 & 402 when the Plasma Enable on the GCM 2010 gas control is set to disable can
indicate a fault in the CCM I/O PCB. When switching back to Enabled the pump will not restart so continues
to display 4-2 indicating no coolant flowing.
Normally the code during a disable should be 101. Circuits on the I/O PCB detect the Plasma Enable is disabled
and send signal to the microcontroller in the CCM. If a fault in the CCM prevents that signal from getting sent
to the microcontroller it doesn’t know the system is disabled so it sets these other 3 codes.
Gas Control Protocol Error
Application error or firmware incompatibility fault. Consult factory for latest firmware update. Possible elec-
tromagnetic interference from the Arc Starter; inspect grounding, bonding, and isolation.
Not Used. This is one of the reserved codes from the earlier product.