Appendix 15: publication history – Tweco 150 Ultra-Cut User Manual
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Manual 0-4800
Cover Date
Oct 3, 2005
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First issue
Oct. 12, 2005
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Updated torch speed charts and consumables selection art.
Oct. 21, 2005
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Added 30-Amp Stainless Steel N2-H20 application. Updated fault code chart on
Pg. 4-11. Added caution against ohmic height sensing w/ water shield. Added
CCM info. Added input voltages.
Jan. 4, 2006
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Updated layout sketches to show new water lead between GCM-2010 and Torch
Valve. Updated GCM-2010 and Torch Valve to show new water lead. Added info
on routing input cables through bracket on lower back edge of power supply.
Updated grounding method for Remote Arc Starter Cover. Added marking data to
torch section. UpdatedRemote Arc Starter Schematic.
Jan. 28, 2006
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Updated gas specs chart, Section 2.
Feb. 20, 2006
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Updated torch sections for 30A MS O2/O2 (new chart); 70A SS & AL, new part
numbers and charts; 100A SS & AL, new part numbers. Updated grounding data.
Updated shield cup installation art; added info on setting pre-charge pressure for
marking; updated schematic for GCM. Added system schematics.
Apr. 25, 2006
In Section 8, updated 30A Aluminum N2/H20 speeds. Added maximum input
gas pressure. Added preflow gases to gas applications chart. Added torch
specifications. Changed ‘F1’ ground wire size from 1/0 to #4. Added note, ‘side
pressure can break check valves/connections to torch valve’. Added error code
group 6, Non-recoverable fault, Contact TDC for resolution’ (CCM software
V2.3.1). Started using new cover styles.
Ref: ECO B-122.
Aug. 25, 2006
AA.01 Added leads lengths C and D as part of ECO B122 missed earlier. Corrected
artpages 2-2, 3-2, 3-3, 6-2 and 6-3 adding callout letters on system layout
diagramsadded G art and removed S art from cables and leads diagram. Removed
referenceand art for Coolant Deionizer Bag and Basket. Inserted GasControl
Modulediagram in Apdx 3. Updated rev. to new version to include numbers.
Oct. 10, 2006
AB.01 Added 400V, 400V CE and 600V inerter module part numbers.
Jan. 10, 2007
AC.01 Updated Error codes in section 4 and added notice to update to Firmware revision
2.4 or later. Updated Gas Control PCB layout in the Appendix.
Mar 5, 2007
AD.01 Updated with new XTL TVA art and part numbers per ECOB356. Corrected
plasma and shield hose lengths to 4’ with new part numbers. Corrected art in
section 3 showing hookup of work leads, input power etc..
Mar. 8, 2007
AE.01 Corrected Switch setting errors pgs. 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 for SW8-2.
Mar. 28, 2007
Updated the Gas Requirement chart in section 2.
July 10, 2007
AG.01 Added mounting dimensions for the GCM, RAS and the XTL TVA section 6.
Oct. 10, 2007
Updated Duty Cycle info and changed art to include callout letters for system.
Oct. 15, 2007
Updated pump and motor numbers per ECOB444 in section 6.
Oct. 29, 2007
Added star grounding art per ECOB653, updated o-ring part number per ECOB467
Before April 25, 2006, Thermal Dynamics used the date appearing on the manual cover to indicate the most recent