2 mapping-import, Engli sh – Reloop CONTOUR INTERFACE EDITION User Manual

Page 30

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3. Now open the category „Output Routing“ and in the field „Mixing Mode“ select the button „In-
ternal“. For channel assignment refer to the following example:

External Mixing-Modus

1. In Traktor open the setup dialogue by clicking the small cog wheel in the upper right corner.
2. Open the category „Audio Setup“ and in the field „Audio Device“ select the item „Reloop Con-

tour (ASIO)“.

3. Now open the category „Output Routing“ and in the field „Mixing Mode“ select the button „Ex-

ternal“. For channel assignment refer to the following example:


In order for Traktor to be able to assign the MIDI commands that Contour sends to the correct
functions, a special mapping is necessary.
A suitable mapping can be found on the installation CD in the folder „Mappings/Traktor Pro“.

You can find updated and extended mappings online. Go to and
open the category „Mapping files“ in the field „Downloads for all Reloop products“.