E-flite S.E.5a Slow Flyer 250 ARF User Manual
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E-flite S.E.5a Slow Flyer ARF Assembly Manual
The S.E.5a was a fast, maneuverable WWI fighter plane.
Together with the Sopwith Camel, the S.E.5a was instrumental
in regaining allied air superiority in the summer of 1917 and
maintaining it for the rest of the war. Twenty-two squadrons of
the RFC and the US Air Corps were flying the S.E.5a by the time
of the Armistice. E-flite’s S.E.5a Slow Flyer 250 is an electric,
semi-scale version of the famous WWI fighter. A vacuum-
molded foam fuselage keeps weight to a minimum while also
contributing to the great scale looks of this aircraft. Its biplane
design affords low weight as well as substantially reduced
wing loading for a more majestic type slow flight, and the ARF
design means a shorter build time. Specifically designed for
use with an E-flite® Park 250 Brushless Outrunner Motor, the
S.E.5a is a fantastic flying foamie with outstanding slow speed
characteristics—making it perfect for indoor flight.
Using the Manual
This manual is divided into sections to help make assembly
easier to understand, and to provide breaks between each
major section. In addition, check boxes have been placed next
to each step to keep track of each step completed. Steps with
a single circle () are performed once, while steps with two
circles ( ) indicate that the step will require repeating, such
as for a right or left wing panel, two servos, etc.
Remember to take your time and follow the directions.
Table of Contents
Specifications .........................................................................1
Introduction ............................................................................2
Using the Manual ...................................................................2
Contents of Kit/Parts Layout ....................................................3
Required Radio Equipment ......................................................3
Motor Setup ...........................................................................4
Optional Accessories ..............................................................4
Note on Lithium Polymer Batteries ...........................................4
Required Tools and Adhesives .................................................4
Warning ................................................................................4
Warranty Period ....................................................................4
Limited Warranty ...................................................................5
Damage Limits .......................................................................5
Safety Precautions ..................................................................5
Questions, Assistance, and Repairs .........................................6
Inspection or Repairs ..............................................................6
Warranty Inspection and Repairs ............................................6
Non-Warranty Repairs ...........................................................6
Safety, Precautions, and Warnings ..........................................7
Motor Installation ...................................................................7
Rudder and Elevator Installation ............................................10
Radio Installation ..................................................................12
Wing Installation ..................................................................15
Landing Gear Installation ......................................................18
Wing Rigging Installation ......................................................19
Control Throws .....................................................................21
Center of Gravity .................................................................22
Range Test Your Radio ..........................................................22
Preflight ...............................................................................23
Flying the S.E.5a Slow Flyer ..................................................23
2007 Official AMA National Model Aircraft Safety Code ......24